From initiation in 2003, by the Rotary and Apex clubs of Hoppers Crossing, "Wynspeak" has expanded to involve over forty Western Region colleges annually.
- Provides a vehicle to assist young people to develop effective public speaking skills and self-confidence. Presentation skills are important in senior college, tertiary education, and in the workplace.
- Involves both junior and senior students presenting prepared five-minute speeches on topics of their choice.
- Also includes presenting a two-minute speech on mystery topics drawn out of a hat with minimal preparation time.
- Has proven to be very popular with both students and colleges.
- Commences on April 27, 2023 with entry free to all attendees.
- Schedule and venues are listed above.
For enquiries, contact Des O'Shanassy via this website ("Contact Us" or email: desoshanassy@hotmail.com).